Why should we choose Atlas Zagros?
ضمانت اصالت و کیفیت
If you are somewhat familiar with preform and PET materials, you will be sure of the quality and authenticity of the product by viewing our products.
Quality raw materials
Procuring and using the best raw materials for high quality and better production, as well as increasing product life
24 hour support
Our sales and support team is ready to provide you with the best services 24 hours a day.
Best price guarantee
Atlas Zagros Company offers products with the best price to the market due to the quality and originality of the product.
Everything you need to buy a good product is ready.
In addition to different needs, kitchen utensils also have different types and different materials. From cooking utensils such as pots, pans, etc. to china, glass, crystal, steel, etc., but one of the most widely used utensils that is necessary and found in every kitchen and must be included in the dowry They are plastic that have many uses, including cooking, food storage, etc.
But due to the fact that containers are in direct contact with food and it may be necessary to put them in the refrigerator, freezer and microwave; Therefore, these dishes must be of good quality. So it is better to know some tips before deciding to buy plastic containers so that you don’t make a mistake when choosing. Because there are many products of this type in the market. Therefore, according to the points that we will say in the following, try to get standard, high-quality and suitable plastic containers so that you can use them for years without any problems.
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